
Smooth doom monsters only
Smooth doom monsters only

ini or skins directory.ĭefault: 0 Controls the amount of bobbing up and down that occurs when standing still. Additional skins are contained in wad files that you either load with -file at the command line or autoload using the. "Base" is the name of the regular Doom marine and is always available. Note that the class selection menu will change its value.ĭefault: "base" This is your player's skin. It must be set to "Random" or a valid class' Player.DisplayName property. This is only really useful in a multiplayer game, but it can also be set for single player.ĭefault: "Fighter" This is the player's class when playing games with player classes such as Hexen. 0 would be no bob at all.ĭefault: false When this CVAR is true, you won't automatically switch to a new weapon when you pick one up.ĭefault: "Player" This is your player's name. Unfortunately, no non-male player sounds are provided with ZDoom, so you will still sound like a man no matter what this CVAR is set to unless you provide your own sounds.ĭefault: 0.25 Controls how much the view bobs up and down while you are moving. When you die, certain messages will be altered to reflect the gender selected here. Valid values are "male", "female", "neutral" and "object". Valid values for the default class range from 0 to 7 in Doom, Chex Quest, Strife, and all three classes in Hexen, but 0 to 9 in Heretic.ĭefault: "male" This is the gender of your player. Use -1 if you wish to use a color instead of a colorset.

smooth doom monsters only smooth doom monsters only

This is overridden by a valid value for colorset.ĭefault: 0 This is your player's colorset, as defined by the Player.ColorSet properties of the PlayerPawn class. The default varies depending on which game you are playing. Setting this cvar to "0" disables autoaiming, while large values such as the default 35 will reproduce the original DOOM behavior of always autoaiming.ĭefault: false If set to true, autoaim does not ignore actors with the NOTAUTOAIMED flag.ĭefault: "3f 60 40" ██ (Heretic) or "40 cf 00" ██ (all other games) This is your player's color.

smooth doom monsters only

  • autoaim ( float) - ( Verification needed)ĭefault: 35 This represents the minimum vertical distance from an object that the player's sight must be before that object is no longer autoaimed at.

  • Smooth doom monsters only