This guide will be equipped with text, pictures and of course video, so you can easily follow along and get a clear understanding on what you need to do. This is a work in progress guide which will show you and hopefully teach you how to solo stealth the majoirty of the heists in Payday 2.

One Down Difficulty Bank Heist Solo Loud - Payday 2New Payday 2 Difficulties! The highest difficulty is now One Down. Loud is entirelly possible solo, but the highest difficulty might be a bit challenging due to cloakers (enemies that down you with one hit) and the idiotic bots who will get in your way and fail to revive you Provided by a 1100+ hour Payday 2 player with 100% achievements (unreleased achievements not counted). Do you feel like being an auto-hip-firing immortal on speed with unlimited ammo? Then come take a look at my build, the Grimmt Kul! Viable for Death Wish and below. The hardest thing about doing things solo loud is moving bags by yourself while everything is shooting you The Most Fun Loud build on Payday 2 (upd.174.1) By Goose.

While solo with no ai, cloakers no longer incapacitate you and become a complete non issue. Solo is possible on all heists, any difficulty, either loud or stealth. Can change the armor to HBV instead of LBV for this build, but the LBV is meant for crits in other builds. I did hope for a red diamond run, but decided not to spend the whole day restarting waiting for it to spawn. Thank you for using this guide and I’m very sorry if there is going to be lots of grammar mistakes.This is all about PAYDAY 2 - Solo Death Sentence OD Loud Build I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon! Recommended for You: All PAYDAY 2 Posts List 0 share Share Related posts: PAYDAY 2 - Every Weapon and How to Build Around Them PAYDAY 2 - 75 Dodge.

If you don’t have enough infamy lvl please don’t start to blame me in comments that my build isn’t working.Īs well you might not know that build names I’m showing you are named after “perk decks” and some of them include a Throwable which you cannot change. Hi, so basically first thing you need to know before even trying my builds is having at least Infamy lvl2/3 which is going t ogive you an ability to use less skill points to get to more interesting skills.